This is a collection of longer form projects of things that have interested me over the years. The Amusement Park project was published in a prestigious photography journal called “Lenswork” and is one of my photographic highlights. The King Frost project is from an annua; halloween parade in my hometown. And Battlefield Lands and Hamburg, Fifty Years Later are both in the beginning stages and will take time to complete.
This is where I really explore and have a little fun with the camera. These are single images I make as we move through life. Some are funny, some are just interesting. There is no theme, no project, just observations with the camera over time. This is a really fun way for me to stay engaged with photography when I am not making large projects.
These are short, multi-image, visual stories that convey an event or idea. These stories are somewhere in between single images and much larger collections of related images. They are usually between four and nine images and it gives me a chance to publish shorter ideas more quickly. They also represent more fun with the camera!
I have become more interested in photographing things other than the natural landscape. It has renewed my enthusiasm for photography and it has given me new ideas and subjects to consider photographing. I like approaching the urban setting with a landscape photographer’s compositional vision… arranging lines and shapes, light and shadow. Instead of rocks, trees and water, the scenes include buildings, streets, and poles. But if you abstract it enough, it becomes the same process to compose and create a meaningful image.
This is a theme and set of related projects that I have been photographing for more than twenty years. It is the idea of things we leave behind, abandon, or disregard. It is simultaneously exciting to witness and explore these placxes, but also a little sad. The theme seems to be best expressed in moody black & white images.
Since we’ve retired, we have travelled to many places to experience as much as we can, while we can. Traveling has always been a high priority for me and the trips have been wonderful. These are not photography oriented trips, these trips are typically with friends and mostly for the joy of seeing something new. Yet, I do take my camera and try to get out to make some images.
I thought it would be fun to show some of my early work, both digital and film, as a way of seeing my growth as a photographer. My early digital work dates back to 2001 when I bought my first digital camera. And my early film work dates back to high school in the late 1970’s! Some of it makes me cringe, but some of it shows promise and hints at the themes I enjoy making images of.