T H E L A N D I N B L A C K & W H I T E
This is a collection of black & white landscape images that are not part of a larger overall project. These may have been made during short hikes or in locations that don't support a full gallery. While the subject is landscapes, these images appealed to me more in black & white because of their patterns or textures or tones.
Elements In The Glen
While I made these images more than fifteen years ago, they remain fresh in my mind. I can remember the day very clearly - I made the four hour drive from my home to Watkins Glen NY and I arrived just as the full day of heavy rain ended… with about three hours of light left. Little did I know how fortunate I was - because of the weather, I had the entire gorge to myself. And anyone who has visited Watkins Glen, knows what it’s normally like with the bus loads of tourists. But not this day… for three hours one late afternoon many years ago it was just me, soft light, and the bare elements of rock and water.
I made these images many years ago along the Unami Creek. The abstract shapes created by air and bubbles in the ice surface offer an incredible variety of abstract image opportunities and I always think I want to go out and make more. yet, when winter’s freeze comes, I end up sitting on the sofa or doing indoor work. I really need to get out there in the cold next time!