Furthest east in North America is where you will find Newfoundland. It’s so far east, it even has a time zone of its own… an hour and a half ahead of eastern standard time! An island the locals call “The Rock” is home to an incredible rugged beautiful landscape as well as a collection of charming coastal villages filled with wonderful people. We travelled much of the island during our ten day stay and would go back again for sure!
The Newfoundland Landscape
The landscape in Newfoundland is second to none. It is a mesmerizing meeting of land and sea. Rocky shores… windswept barren highlands, marshy boggy lowlands, and in some places the earth’s mantle. All hidden by fog and clouds and then without notice, dramatically revealed in magical golden light. You could spend a lifetime here and never see the same thing twice.
The Right Place
Twelve days and not a single clear morning for sunrise photography. Twelve days and very few clear evenings for sunset photography. The weather in Newfoundland was very changeable and rendered all advanced planning almost useless. On my photography trips, I meticulously plan sunrise and sunset photography locations. Everything else is secondary... eating, sleeping, even bathing! It all happens only if time permits and only after the sunrises and sunsets.
We met our match with the Newfoundland weather. But we adapted and it turned out to be great weather! We had some beautiful periods of sunny skies. We had fog. We had clouds and even a short period of rain one day. What we learned was that each day would start off with fog or clouds, turn sunny by late morning, then cloud up again toward sunset. And on very few evenings, we would be treated to about five or ten minutes of absolutely magical sunset light.
Who can resist these colorful little flying clowns? Along with whales, icebergs, and moose, these friendly flying sea parrots were high on our list of things we most wanted to see in Newfoundland. We travelled to Elliston, on the northern tip of the island, to the largest Puffin colony in North America for a chance to see these creatures. And they did not disappoint! They seemed to enjoy putting on a show for us as much as we enjoyed seeing it!
Newfoundland in Monochrome
Newfoundland is an explosion of color… from the bright cheery houses on the edges of the land to the lush greens of the grass and the clear blue sky of a sunny summer day. But when the clouds move in, all is not lost. The shapes and lines and tones come together to form interesting images that ask you to look longer and contemplate the quiet beuaty of this island in the Atlantic.
Life By The Sea
While the landscape in Newfoundland is incredible to see, it is equaled by the people and the life at the land’s edge. We met the most amazing, friendly people on the planet… really. And they live in colorful, beautiful homes… in quaint villages… in a setting that is unmatched. As I publish these images, I feel a strng urge to return to the seaside villages and spend more time there. Perhaps on the next trip!